Just in to the collection is a 1829 Henry Troemner solution scale Model 80-B Almost 200 years old!
The above video is a full walkthrough of the scale and operation.
The next challenge was to figure out the odd weights it came with and how to calibrate it.
Now that it is calibrated, here is how I found to increment through the weight scale from 0-20Kg.
When I first got it, it was dusty and dirty, but did a very light restoration and a full strip down to clean and oil rub everything, love the ‘good care but old’ look to the finished result. The knife edge pivot was the coolest part, no bearings, just imbedded hardened pivot point!

Some day I may do a full metal down restoration, but these one seems to be a bit on the rare side, so going to keep the original paint as long as possible. Here is some history I dug up on it. IF you happen to know more about this item, let me know below!

This was from an old coal mining instrument catalog, Adjusted for inflation, that is about $2,200 in todays money. These have never been cheap!
If you have a lead on my missing weights, or may have some as basement door stops let me know! I need two 2Kg weights!