5 thoughts on “1941 Underwood model ‘S’

  1. Absolutely beautiful. I had a 1947, which I fully restored. It was my favorite typewriter. I experienced a burglary and it was the only thing that was stolen. I wish I could find another. If you ever decide to sell it, please let me know.

  2. I just picked up the same exact model and I am looking for a manual or something to get me started. This is my first typewriter, and I am super interested in learning more! Your video was incredibly helpful for me to understand how it works. But I am not nearly as confident to start taking it apart lol. But I do want to clean it and make sure everything works as it should and fix what doesn’t. Do you have an instruction manual or anything that you went by in order to find out all of the information you know about this model? Thank you for all this information!

    1. I watched a ton of videos on youtube, to learn as much as I could! Also found a few manuals that helped out.

      Here is one,


      Another one as well.

      If you google the term ‘Underwood Model S Service manual’ That may help get you on the right track!

      For now your best bet, is to exercise all the moving parts, it will feel reparative, but like sore joints you need to work them to keep them moving right, be patient, and find a light machine oil, sewing machine oil, air tool oil, or if needed quick 3 in 1 oil, will all work to help get things moving again. Try not to use to much, just enough to get things moving!

      Also, do lots of typing, it will be fun, but also help loosen up all the keys and joints!

      any questions let me know, will do my best to help!

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