2 thoughts on “1977 BLACKHAWKE PD-22 Drill press restoration

  1. Hello,

    I like your drill press restoration, turned out very nice. I have the same machine and am looking for info on selecting the correct drive belts. Do you happen to know what length of belts you have on there? Any info you can share will be greatly appreciated!

    Vance Ackerman

    1. Vance,

      Thanks for the kind words! My apologies on the delay of my response, I went to the lab and opened up the press to measure the belts for you! Here is all the information I was able to gather.
      Actual measurements:
      39.5″ long (Outside)
      0.5″ Width (Outside)
      0.31″ Depth
      0.24″ Width (Inside)
      MODEL: 4L390 FHP
      29.5″ long (Outside)
      0.5″ Width (Outside)
      0.31″ Depth
      0.24″ Width (Inside)
      MODEL: 4L290

      I included links to a close match I was able to find online.
      Any questions let me know! Best of luck with your project!

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