I had a massive 300+ lbs YAG laser donated to the lab, was used in high power laser shows. I have been spending many months trying to get it working, this will cornicle the project.
Here is a video of one that works ( Same exact laser, different form factor ) I have the clip start close to the end, but if you want to learn about all the systems start from the beginning!
It Worked!….. For about 30seconds than my last remaining lamp blew… I came so far tackled so many failures. Learned so much. But asking a 36 year old complex piece of electronics to work reliably is too much to ask. For the cost of a new lamp alone I could buy an entire new solid state laser that is just as bright ha. Thanks to all that helped along the way! … Not everything can be saved. Time to mourn the loss.
My laser expert friends feel free to chime in ha.