The vacuum chamber has been missing a good way to get power into it. I took an old broken high power connector, and built it up with an asortment of wires for different needs, the Gray wire is the High voltage wire with glass insulator.
The RED and BLACK are my high current leads. The smaller wires are for control/data/temp sensors.
I built it in a way to I can change up the connections based on the project.
Started with bending, and heat shrinking each of the leads. NOTE: You do not want insulated wire inside a high vacuum environment for they will outgas and prevent very high vacuum, I am willing to take the risk to have the extra safety that comes with.
All wired up and harness trimmed up, ready for install into the chamber!
Looks like a nice fit! Next lets do a test by making a light bulb!
All wired up and tested, big thanks to those who have donated! Many awesome projects to come thanks to you all!