4 thoughts on “A vintage PFW Pigeon Racing Clock

  1. Hello Doug,
    Very interesting video. I have the same clock, one tiny screw on the bottom of the clock is loose, I want to screw it back on but I have a trouble to remove the crank, the is a tiny screw holding the collar that I removed. How did you do it?

    Thank you,

    1. Karol, I had to go find my clock, and remember how it came off again! This may sound too simple, but it is just screwed on! As in think of it like a large nut, turn the entire hand crank counter clockwise and it will come loose and unscrew from the axle inside. Now you can lift the mech out! To re-install just screw it back on, and it will work as normal! I remember mine being a bit tight to get loose the first time. I have a picture of the crank removed I can upload if you need to see it! Also a 12 pointed socket worked well to remove the square bolts that hold the mech into the box, a small magnet helps hold them on install as well.

      Best of luck with your clock, and let me know if you have any questions!

  2. Doug,It worked like a charm. Like you said, It was pretty tight to remove at first. I tried before but was afraid to break it. Your tips for putting it together were helpful, thank you. I watched your second video a few times, what did you do to make your clock tick, as mine is not ticking. I’m wondering if it is the tiny spring… anymore thoughts you can share is much appreciated.

    1. Karol,
      My clock mech was a bit gummy, I cranked the wind spring ( square drive hole ) to get tension in the spring, I than very carefully, wiggled each gear with a wood toothpick, to see what might be stuck. I used some clock oil, or light machine oil, or sewing machine oil, to lubricate the pivots of the gears. Last resort was to try and move the largest pointer by hand from the outside, doing this I was able to ‘assist’ the spring and it would tick if I held light pressure on the arm. I did this for a a good 20 min, and eventually it was able to run and tick on its own! Just had to get everything free and moving again. To get into the clock, I had to loosen the small silver set screw on the brass cover plates than slide them out, it is a bit of a puzzle.

      Best of luck, and take your time 🙂 … no pun intended ha!

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