A DIY Digital readout accurate to 5 microns! This will be a new project for the 200...
Doug DeHaven
Owner and founder of DJD Labs, I have a deep passion and love of science and technology.
Had to reverse engineer an old exhibit at work recently for reproduction, I made a full 3D...
Recent addition to the collection is this 1940’s RC Allen Model 85 Figuring Machine. A fully mechanical...
Recently added to the collection, is a very rare solid cast aluminum light bulb. This video will...
This is an old video that was digitized of the one hour long laser show that was...
This page cornicles the massive project I took on, of bringing an old Adept SCARA robot back...
Recent donation to the lab is this amazing digital oscilloscope! Donations like this keep the lab running!...
Items like this where needed before the prevalence of laser pointers we have today, these are mini...
As my collection expanded in size and diversity, I found it necessary to implement a systematic method...
I recently picked up this broken Monroe LA5-160 Calculator for the collection, it was cheap for it...