From the literal dumpster to art piece this is the progression of taking an old force gripper...
Doug DeHaven
Owner and founder of DJD Labs, I have a deep passion and love of science and technology.
This is the image the artifact is based,
This page will be the Engine build for the 51 Truck I am building. More on that...
This project may never get done, 8+ years in the works already, this will be the landing...
This tool restoration started out thanks to my other restorations, I was helping an old friend clear...
The coolest ‘watch’ you never heard of before. Upon close inspection I was able to determine it...
June 6th 2015 this all started with a fantastic find. I got a lead on a forgotten...
New Exhibit in development, a Michelson interferometer. We partnered with a local professor who developed this test...
This project started with a friend of mine offering me an old generator he got many years...
As part of a new multi part project for the lab, ( that will be a slight...