Molecular energy demonstration apparatus! This awesome demo, using a piston and ball bearings can visualize a micro...
Doug DeHaven
Owner and founder of DJD Labs, I have a deep passion and love of science and technology.
Free donation to the lab, it was an old saw in sad shape, spent a ton of...
High frequency high voltage AC, and Nitrogen plasma, nothing to learn here, just playing with physics!
When you have a droid with a bad motivator unit, you have to get drastic. One of...
Stratified plasma ionization waves. a Goldstein–Wehner law proof. I did this morning. And what a cool thing...
This is the largest regulated DC power supply I have ever seen, one hell of an amazing...
old 1950’s Craftsman Mohawk drill press w2as donated to the lab, what a project it was getting...
Just some fun out on a nice day with the camera.