This is the image the artifact is based,
The coolest ‘watch’ you never heard of before. Upon close inspection I was able to determine it...
Setup to come up with a way to display the internals of the gas meter, I used...
A Bausch & Lomb Duboscq type colorimeter. Recent adition to the collection, longer more detailed video up...
What is a lab without an Autoclave, this one was a scrap pile rescue, will update with...
The inner workings of a natural gas meter are very unique, there is allot going on inside...
The inside of a parking meter is something to behold! The old analog meters are all mech...
This was an amazing donation to the lab, a working vacuum tube tesla coil in a commercial...
A quick look at a unique device from the collection.
Molecular energy demonstration apparatus! This awesome demo, using a piston and ball bearings can visualize a micro...