As part of my day job, I am often designing and building custom electonics. With those electronics...
Day Job
Have you ever wondered how trains stay on the tracks and navigate curves so effortlessly? At first...
My team was tasked recently to develop and build interactive demos to be used by our Science...
Love taking a concept modeling it in Fusion 360 and than doing a full photorealistic render, to...
When Quasi the robot needed new clear cover mounts, I came up with this tab system to...
I was tasked recently with take the very popular 200 button sound wall I built a few...
This was a promo Video made about the Carnegie Science center shortly after opening in October 1991,...
This is a prototype wheel design I am working on for the Leo Rover. The current tires...
Had to reverse engineer an old exhibit at work recently for reproduction, I made a full 3D...
This is an old video that was digitized of the one hour long laser show that was...