POMPEII Exhibit Install Day Job POMPEII Exhibit Install Doug DeHaven September 30, 2021 I worked as part of the crew as an electrician installing over 400 lights in the gallery....Read More
How theater lights work Day Job How theater lights work Doug DeHaven September 29, 2021 Ever see a spot light project a square light beam? how does that work? well old school...Read More
Weather Cases Day Job Weather Cases Doug DeHaven September 2, 2021 Worked on a team to develop these mobile road case based exhibits. They each feature a different...Read More
Motion Sensor Exhibit Day Job Motion Sensor Exhibit Doug DeHaven August 31, 2021 Got to work on our oldest electronic exhibit at CSC. Had the honor of recreating the function,...Read More
Soldering Day Job Soldering Doug DeHaven August 7, 2021 As part of my day job I tend to wire up a ton of electronics, here is...Read More
R2D2 Day Job R2D2 Doug DeHaven July 16, 2021 When you have a droid with a bad motivator unit, you have to get drastic. One of...Read More
Cloud in a bottle. Day Job Cloud in a bottle. Doug DeHaven May 27, 2021 This rig I designed will generate a cloud on demand inside a chamber!Read More
Mystery science theater robots Day Job Mystery science theater robots Doug DeHaven May 25, 2021 I got to build the MTST robots into an exhibit! I even animated them, and they trigger...Read More
MOBOTS Day Job MOBOTS Doug DeHaven May 3, 2021 I was tasked with bringing back from the dead a set of mobile robots ( Mobots )...Read More