Recently picked up one of those items we have all seen but few of us own! A...
A DIY Digital readout accurate to 5 microns! This will be a new project for the 200...
This page cornicles the massive project I took on, of bringing an old Adept SCARA robot back...
Every want to know how a gas pump nozzle works? how it knows when to shut off?...
A Friend of the lab wanted a custom Knife for his collection, so I setout to design...
The goal of this project is to try and teach the Fanuc robot arm how to weld....
First off, this robot project started here, make sure you get caught up first! This thread chronicles...
Picked this up for the lab, was a fun restoration. After a clean and blasting, it looks...
Saved this Fanuc LR Mate 200iC/5H 5 Axis arm, and R-30iA controller from the scrap pile! This...
From the literal dumpster to art piece this is the progression of taking an old force gripper...