I built this page to hold all the information I have found from years of research into...
Side Quest
When you have a massive CD collection and want to convert it to losses Digital audio to...
From the literal dumpster to art piece this is the progression of taking an old force gripper...
Here is a recent curiosity I had about what happens if you place a thermal measurement device...
I have an old Western Electric model 500 telephone, and recently picked up an amazing device called a...
Set out to make the largest sign I have ever attempted with my DIY CNC Plasma machine.Was...
What happens when you build your own 3,000 watt light bulb? This was a custom high power...
First attempt at using a new to the lab Oxy/acetylene torch setup ( More on that soon!...
Stuck a hard drive in my Axiomat scope ( more on that soon ) And here are...
Todays side project was to build a frame for the old Coke sign for the cafe!