What a unique wrench! Picked this up as a well warn rusty wrench, and brought new life...
This tool restoration started out thanks to my other restorations, I was helping an old friend clear...
June 6th 2015 this all started with a fantastic find. I got a lead on a forgotten...
This project started with a friend of mine offering me an old generator he got many years...
As part of a new multi part project for the lab, ( that will be a slight...
Picked up this old Binks Pressure pot some time ago, been wanting to restore it. First step...
A Bausch & Lomb Duboscq type colorimeter. Recent adition to the collection, longer more detailed video up...
What is a lab without an Autoclave, this one was a scrap pile rescue, will update with...
This was an amazing donation to the lab, a working vacuum tube tesla coil in a commercial...
Refurbished a 1950's Gen 1 Black & Decker Drill.