The lab has a nice large beam hoist, but the office area was missing something to help load heavy items onto the lab benches. Picked up this old CM Hoist trolley and chain fall for free, they trolley bearings where seized and the entire unit was very rusty. Here is how I picked it up.
After I got it torn apart, I blasted everything down to bare metal, so I could start wire wheeling the finish.
Next I got the metal frames into paint, and oil coated all the exposed steel surfaces.
I like how it turned out, I need to adjust the shim washers a bit to have it fit the beam better, but for now it does the job of testing. The wheels where locked up and did not spin, took some penetrating oil, to brake down the old grease, and some force to get them going again, and re packed with fresh grease, they spin nice and free now!
I will be nice to use this as needed to lift heavy lab gear up onto carts I can roll to benches to unload or work on items.