This calculator is used to calculate the CFM of your system.
You will need to have a stopwatch and time how long it takes to fill or empty your tank from one pressure to another.
For example, if it takes 1 min and 10 sec to go from 110-145 PSI, then click calculate to get the CFM rate.
The checkbox will adjust the CFM rate if you are trying to measure an air compressor.
Compressors are a bit different because as they heat up with use, they become less efficient (slower).
Leave the box unchecked if you are measuring the speed of your valves.
Tank Size (gallons):
Starting Pressure (PSI):
Ending Pressure (PSI):
Time (minutes):
Time (seconds):
Adjust value for compressors
Calculate CFM
(c) 2024 Doug DeHaven DJD Labs