What happens the moment lightning strikes water? I wanted to find out, so I set about building a setup that could produce 80,000 volts at 15,000 watts. This was channeled through a point source into a vat of water. More on the setup at the bottom of this post. For now, check out how beautiful the results are!
NOTE: Any of the below photos are for sale, and can be direct printed onto metal ready for hanging. Please leave a comment below if interested, or use the contact form on the ‘about’ page.

As you can see I also tried setting up a water dripping system to allow the power to jump across the drops, but it passed right around them due to skin effects of high voltage. Next wat to have some fun with more points of contact with the water, the sharp lines are the voltage with little current, and the diffuse purple and whisps are the high current paths of plasma that are generated. My goal was to balance the current and the voltage to get these amazing results.

Now to try what happens when the same high voltage hits other objects!

Well that is an amazing result, so what happens if we use fire? Turns out fire is conductive to voltage! and when you pass high voltage DC current through fire, you can use the magnetic field to bend the flame and shape it! Here is the result of those experiments doing fire bending, making round fire and my own solar flares!

What incredible results, as I get time to write up each section, links will appear below for each one of the experiments that goes into detail of how each was done and the science behind it!
For now, here are a few photos of the massive 400lb X-ray transformer I am using, and some behind the scenes shots.