1. Hello, I hope the translator works. I’m a fan of hornblasters but never heard shocker xl in person. I want these for my motorcycle, currently I have four tow horns attached to a 1/2 inch solenoid (similar to shocker setup) at 145psi. I’m undecided because I don’t know if there is much difference compared to mine. I’ve seen all the videos on youtube and hornblasters and yes, many people get scared and jump, but there are others who don’t react and it’s like they don’t feel anything. My big question is: will it scare away the biggest dogs? my horns scare away medium and small dogs, people within 15 meters get scared, but big dogs get more angry and if people are more than 20 meters away they don’t get so scared. Greetings and excellent review.

    1. Good afternoon! The Translation was perfect! If you head over to my in-depth review here. https://www.djdlabs.com/horns/ Go to page #3 sound clips, you can hear for yourself what they sound like. They will rattle your chest! They have a very imposing sound, that makes even people used to them jump! Any questions let me know!

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