Every want to know how a gas pump nozzle works? how it knows when to shut off? In the process of restoring my nozzle for the collection, I set out to make a video explaining the amazing engineering that goes into a pump nozzle and how it has a smart floating pivot to control the user, and flow of gas in the system, all while remaining safe in all modes of operation.
Lets start with an exploded view,

And here is the video explaining how they work!
While working on it I had this fun discovery!
Now that I have your interest, lets check out the restoration process.
Here is how I picked it up $6 broken unit. ( I found later, the main piston pin was seized with funk )

Now to tear it all apart and get it into the sand blaster to get it down to base metal.

The next step after blasting is the wire wheels, this brings out the shine, by knocking down the rough surface created by the blasting.

Got the internals cleaned up and working good as new! The stuck pin, was cleaned and re-installed, now works perfect!
Here are some final glamor shots, I am torn on weather to install the black ‘hand warmer’ cover back on or not. Let me know in the comments what you think I should do!

Last, here is a photo I found from my research on what this unit is, and it looks to have come from a real gas station. They retail for about $90 new.