What a project this has been so far! This project has combined worlds that were never meant to go together. I fitting a Ultra high vacuum Cryo cooler to a Liquid oxygen tank! So what are you looking at? Well I started with a LOX tank, and removed everything from the top of it, and was left with an open hole down into the vacuum sealed Dewar vessel. I than measured 50 times, and cut down the frame of the Cryo-torr, So the Cold head section could fit down into the Dewar and seal on the top of the tank flange. I needed a condensing array, so for now used a Stainless spring, I plan to build a larger array soon, once proof of concept is good. I than insulated the top end as good as I can, this section does not get nearly as cold, this is more to prevent condensation. The good news is the LOX tank has a build in condensation collection and drain system! The plan? Well I drop the unit down into the Dewar, and turn on the liquid Helium compressor and it will produce about 1-2 liters of Liquid Nitrogen a day, when I am done I pull the Cryo cooler out, and cap the tank, it will now hold the LN2 for a few months for my experiments. Any questions let me know! I am sure there will be some ha! And for those who ask why? .. Why not?