Compressor fill time calculator
Use this tool to calculate how long it will take to fill your tank.
NOTE ON CFM: you will want to find a chart like this from the manufacturer of your compressor to get the CFM number you need.
If you would like that info here, please comment below your compressor Make and Model and I will update this page with CFM data as I compile it!

CFM Flow rate calculator
Use this tool to calculate the effective flow rate of your system or compressor given the time it takes to fill a tank.
NOTE: This can also be used to calculate valve flow rate as pressure drops. Just leave the box for compressors unchecked.

CFM at Pressure converter
CFM ratings to mean anything are at a pressure. If at 0PSI that just means displacement and not any actual pumping performance. There may come a time you need to convert a CFM value at one pressure to another pressure, this is the tool for that! NOTE: You can not use 0PSI with this tool for it is not a real measurement of flow, just displacement. The smaller the change in pressure the more accurate the calculation.