12 thoughts on “Onan 4.0 CCK Generator Restoration

  1. Fascinating project for sure. The inside of an old electric motor, etc. Who knew?
    The restoration procedure, organization of parts, and cleaning and painting are extremely interesting.
    Love the detailed pictures. If anyone wants to learn…this is the place.
    Great work! Great organizational skills!
    Keep em coming!

  2. 4.0cck The controll box has 12v coming in and the wires from the can going in . and then where do the other three wires go coming out of the box . one is to oil shut of and then ?

    1. Page #26 here may help you out.

      Depending on the features yours has, Mine had (Ignition coil power ) ( 120V out ) ( remote turn on/shutoff ) ( Oil pressure switch was tied to ignition points, it would hold ground and prevent spark if no oil pressure )

      A1 ……. Generator Set Control Assembly
      A2 ……. Start Adapter Control (4 to 3 wire)
      A3 ……. Disconnect Adapter Control
      BT1. ….. Battery
      El ……. Fuel Pump or Gas Valve (When Used)
      E2,E3 …. Spark Plug
      E4.. ….. Electric Choke (When Used)
      G1 ……. Generator
      K1 ……. Start Solenoid Relay
      K2.. ….. Fuel Solenoid (When Used)
      S1 ……. Low Oil Pressure Switch (When Used)
      S2 ……. High Air Temperature Switch (When Used)
      S3 ……. Breaker and Cap Assembly
      S4 ……. Remote Start-Stop Switch (Customer Remote)
      S5 ……. Vacuum Switch (When Used)
      T1 ……. Ignition Coil
      AlSl ….. Hand Crank – Electric Start Switch
      AlS2. …. Start-Stop Switch

      Any questions let me know!

  3. Awsome job. I restore and build early Ford Street rods. Nice work. Have same unit and wondered where you got ign. And carb parts? I am going thru mine and want spares if needed.

    1. Thank you! Working on a 51 Chevy truck now!
      For the ignition coil and wires, I found this worked
      It also fit under the stock cover.
      The wires,
      For the carb I went to ebay, not everything fit, but it had most of what I needed, I re used my stock needle.

      Any questions feel free to reply!
      Good luck with your project!

  4. Where were you able to track down a manual and parts? I just picked this same unit up for $75 today and plan to use it to run parts of my house through a transfer switch.

    1. I found the manuals across much of the internet, for this exact model was built as part of an RV so would have been serviced by them. I update the bottom of this page to have links to all the manuals I used! Hope that helps you and others who visit.
      Here is a direct link to a large collection of Onan manuals, http://www.skilledcrafting.com/onanfiles/

      The folks over at the SmokStack.com forum, where a huge help with finding info, worth reaching out to them as well! Here is a link to my project thread. With lots of info and links from them.

      Any questions let me know! These are great units you will love it!

  5. Wow! Nice work. I’ll be clicking on all the related links you have, looking for more info on my Generator. It’s a 4kw like yours, same era I believe. But it’s a diesel marine unit. Not having luck finding much info on it. I am thinking about doing an updated control like you’ve done. Though, not sure I have the skillset…

    1. Eric, Happy to help! The main parts are a starter relay, a toggle switch and a momentary push button. This is the bare minimum to start and run it. The Charge controller did not last long for me, so would not recommend. I ended up just taking the battery charger/maintainer that is always connected to the battery, and just plug it into the generators output, when it is running to keep the battery topped off. Does not need much for it is only running a fuel pump and 2 spark plugs. I will work on a wire diagram and post it up above when done! NOTE: I do not have any of the ‘smart’ features in use on mine, the auto choke, and auto battery charger/regulate, and remote start/auto run. I will always be standing at it to start it, so was not worries about those extra features. I manually choke it until it starts than open the choke and let it run.

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