There is always a project in the works. Check back often to see what is the latest project completed!

See a need…
Fill a need.
To quote an old animated robotics film from ‘Big Weld’ The best projects are those that fill a need you have in life or others.
This section is dedicated to all the little projects I take on to either make myself, the lab or others lives better!
B.K. Elliott surveyors Transit/ theodolite.
The B.K. Elliott surveyor’s transit is a fascinating piece of engineering from the early 20th century. Built around 1910, this…
Unique Air Ride Switch box concept
Working on a concept for the worlds simplest air ride switchbox. It would use a unique Push/Pull style momentary switch.…
Unique Camera Flash
Check out this vintage unique Ricoh Fan folding camera flash.
Fanuc Robot G-code Project
This has been a long road, but I wanted to make a way to send G-code data to the Fanuc…
AMF Float-Lock Vise Restoration
Got this vise recently it was locked up and rusted solid. All the ‘aprentice marks’ or holes drilled in the…
The moment of Combustion
What does it look like the moment a fuel starts combustion? I was curious of this as well, so set…
1892 H.K. Porter Bolt cutter restoration.
1892 H.K. Porter Bolt cutters, they where invented by H.K Porter in 1888 for blacksmiths to cut off stock quickly.…
1890’s Torsion balance
This very unique style of balance scale was found in very bad shape as parts, I set out to bring…
1947 General Electric Vortalex fan-Full restoration
I could not pass up a chance to get one of these art deco fans from the 40’s This one…
1950’s Ohmer Taxi Fare Meter
Such a rare find this was! An old 1950’s Taxi meter made by Ohmer. This one was serviced by the…
Mueller Centurion Fire Hydrant restoration.
Recently picked up one of those items we have all seen but few of us own! A Fire Hydrant! An…
DIY DRO Display
A DIY Digital readout accurate to 5 microns! This will be a new project for the 200 year old scale…
DIY Robot Controller Project
This page cornicles the massive project I took on, of bringing an old Adept SCARA robot back to life by…
How a Gas pump nozzle works
Every want to know how a gas pump nozzle works? how it knows when to shut off? In the process…
Custom Plasma cut Knife
A Friend of the lab wanted a custom Knife for his collection, so I setout to design and make my…
Teaching a robot to weld
The goal of this project is to try and teach the Fanuc robot arm how to weld. Many already know…
FANUC Robot RS232 communication
First off, this robot project started here, make sure you get caught up first! This thread chronicles the process…
Powhatan Type 250 Fire Hose Nozzle
Picked this up for the lab, was a fun restoration. After a clean and blasting, it looks like this, now…
FANUC Robot arm
Saved this Fanuc LR Mate 200iC/5H 5 Axis arm, and R-30iA controller from the scrap pile! This robot arm has…
Robot Lamp Project
From the literal dumpster to art piece this is the progression of taking an old force gripper exhibit that was…
Pontiac 326 Engine build.
This page will be the Engine build for the 51 Truck I am building. More on that project here:…
CNC Plasma project
June 6th 2015 this all started with a fantastic find. I got a lead on a forgotten old CNC machine…
Onan 4.0 CCK Generator Restoration
This project started with a friend of mine offering me an old generator he got many years prior and never…
Marvel Schebler VD-58 Carburetor rebuild.
As part of a new multi part project for the lab, ( that will be a slight secret for now…
High Vac Power Passthrough
The vacuum chamber has been missing a good way to get power into it. I took an old broken high…
This entire project started with and old fried Peavey Pc 1600 MIDI board. I got it for free for the…
CNC Plasma Sign
Set out to make the largest sign I have ever attempted with my DIY CNC Plasma machine.Was a gift for…
Exploded view of Gas meter
Setup to come up with a way to display the internals of the gas meter, I used some colored pencils,…
Parking meter stand
Designed and cut a ‘display stand’ outline for the parking meter. Turned out pretty cool I think!
2 Watt Solid state Nd:YAG laser
The lab had this donated, took a good while to reverse engineer how it worked and to build an interface…
Stupid Bright
What happens when you build your own 3,000 watt light bulb? This was a custom high power tungsten filament in…
Mini Tesla coil
Built a mini tesla coil for our High voltage demo in the science demo theater. It can light up a…
Black & Decker drill refurbish.
Refurbished a 1950’s Gen 1 Black & Decker Drill.
Ratrod Tractor
Here is my 1963 Jacobsen Chief tractor, modified and lowered. Has a full harley exhaust, and with new pully setup…
What is a Fusor?
Here is a walkthrough of the start of my Fusor project.
Sears Paint Gun
Refurbishment of an old 60’s era Paint gun.
Inside a Hard drive
Stuck a hard drive in my Axiomat scope ( more on that soon ) And here are the closeup results…
Hard Drive project
I took apart 40 hard drives, to make a cool wall art project, more on that soon. But for now,…
DeWALT Saw restoration.
Free donation to the lab, it was an old saw in sad shape, spent a ton of time fully dismantling…
Huge Laser Power supply.
This is the largest regulated DC power supply I have ever seen, one hell of an amazing donation to the…
Vintage Drill press restoration.
old 1950’s Craftsman Mohawk drill press w2as donated to the lab, what a project it was getting all the rusty…
Zeiss Axiomat
Take a look inside one of the best optical microscopes ever built, including today! This was before electronic correction. So…
Big Nut!
Always wanted a Battlebots trophy style giant hex nut, so set out to try and make my own, here is…
Plasma cut lamp
I designed and plasma cut this neat fan light diffuser, it was for someone special recovering from surgery.
Oxygen tank shelf
What do you do with a LO2 tank that was cut in half? Design and plasma cut some shelves for…
Inside a Liquid Oxygen tank
Picked up a few Liquid oxygen tanks for lab projects.
DJD Grills
Made some custom DJD Labs speaker covers.
Custom DMX Light show
Built my own interface, and custom software to detect music and change DMX commands for a custom light show.
Big Button wall talk
I was asked to do a presentation on my giant 200 button wall. Here is that talk. I will place…
CNC Plasma Table Project
Needed a table for my DIY CNC plasma, so used the CNC plasma to cut out parts needed to make…
40 Watt Nd:YAG Laser project
I had a massive 300+ lbs YAG laser donated to the lab, was used in high power laser shows. I…
DIY COVID Mask Project
Wanted to make my own unique mask so set out and printed and painted my own mask similar to that…
Google game AI playing
Set out to make the computer play the game for me! Here is the code, Opt(‘MouseCoordMode’, 2) Opt(‘PixelCoordMode’, 2) While…
Welder upgrade.
So … I would never have bought a ‘Hazard’ Freight welder, but a few things came together to make me…
Inside a Hybrid Synergy Drive
Many videos on this amazing device in the works!
Laser Pumpkin carving
Well more like laser assisted pattern making! Used a smart laser to project beam patterns onto the pumpkins to be…
3D printer into a Drawing robot!
Hacked an old 3D printer, used the drives, and built a new CNC front end for drawing!
The Dancing truck
My 2000 Chevy S10 that had so many projects done to it over the years, this card will cover the…
Atomic clock The lab now has an atomic clock! It took some work to get it working again.
Big servo clock Project
This page will cover the massive project that was the big servo art clock in the cafe lobby at the…
Drawing with light
DIY UV LED built into a pen, and placed into my modified 3D printer I use as a drawing robot.
Robotic paper cutter
Started a new project on the old vinyl cutter, I picked up a sticky board and placed paper instead of…
Air Ride Chassis simulator
Made this many years back ( The myspace days ) It was incredibly popular. It was made to the exact…
M101 howitzer round fuse
I needed a fuse for my 105mm round, they are hard to come by, so 3D printed my own!
Sensor Control Box
Designed, laser cut and build up a control box for some proximity sensors used for an interactive fountain for a…
Project Thumper
The Geek Group made an amazing high energy physics demo that harness the power of a lightning bolt to explode…
Prius Synergy Drive Full Tear down In this Video we tear into a 2nd Gen Prius Transmission part by part and do our best to…