For all mankind

or to just make me smile.

Science related projects will go here, these are project done for the love of science only and no planned outcome other than it was fun, cool, or I had a hunch!

Some of the more interesting projects will be found here, they may not have a need or a goal in mind, but boy are they a fun journey along the way!

Turning Light bulbs into solar cells?

You know that feeling when you’re told something won’t work—but you just have to try it anyway? Well, I recently…

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White Plasma, from CO2

As a science enthusiast with a penchant for experimentation, I recently embarked on an exciting journey: creating white plasma in…

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CO2 sublimation in a vacuum chamber.

CO2 sublimation in a vacuum chamber refracts light in amazing ways I’d love to know more about what’s going on…

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Visualizing stresses with light.

Phase-contrast microscopy is a powerful technique used to visualize unstained transparent specimens, such as biological cells or thin materials, by…

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Inside a Scanning Electron Microscope

Not every day you get to see the inside of a multi million dollar machine. This is the top end…

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Phase differential microscopy

Phase differential microscopy is a technique employed to capture stunning images of crystals by leveraging the principles of phase contrast.…

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High voltage water and fire

What happens the moment lightning strikes water? I wanted to find out, so I set about building a setup that…

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Reverse Laser slit experiment

NOTE: I should be using the word diffraction and not interference in this video because it is only a single…

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Temperature in a vacuum?

Here is a recent curiosity I had about what happens if you place a thermal measurement device in a high…

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High Voltage and Magnets

About 80,000 Volts and some magnets. The plasma makes for some interesting filimetns.

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2 Watt Solid state Nd:YAG laser

The lab had this donated, took a good while to reverse engineer how it worked and to build an interface…

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Schlieren Effect

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Vacuum tube tesla coil.

This was an amazing donation to the lab, a working vacuum tube tesla coil in a commercial product!

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DIY Nuclear reactor

I set out to build a Farnsworth-Hirsch-Meeks Fusor. This is a form of electrostatic accelerator, that does atomic fusion. First…

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Fusor Art

Took an artistic approach to the Atomic fusor project.

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Pentium processor 500X

Ever wonder what a CPU looks like under a microscope? We happen to have a 700lb Zeiss Axiomat massive microscope…

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Van De Graaff Generator

Ever wonder what a Van De Graaff Generator is, or why you would want one?

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Lightning rods.

Ever wonder how a lightning rod works, or why building have them? They may not work in the way you…

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Plasma tubes

These are Plasma spectrum tubes. when you pass high frequency, high voltage power through the gas it will ionize and…

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Molecular energy!

Molecular energy demonstration apparatus! This awesome demo, using a piston and ball bearings can visualize a micro event on a…

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High frequency plasma

High frequency high voltage AC, and Nitrogen plasma, nothing to learn here, just playing with physics!

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Goldstein–Wehner law proof

Stratified plasma ionization waves. a Goldstein–Wehner law proof. I did this morning. And what a cool thing to look at,…

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Meteorite up close

Placed a meteorite sample in my Axiomat!

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Power and water

When 50,000 Volts meets water, you can capture some amazing photos. An otherworldly experience to be sure!

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Zeiss DSLR Adapter

I needed a way to connected my DSLR camera to the old Zeiss Axiomat for better imaging. Here was the…

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Data on a CD!

Here is what the data bits on a CD look like under extreme magnification. This was not an easy image…

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Liquid nitrogen maker!

What a project this has been so far! This project has combined worlds that were never meant to go together.…

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1.2 Million Volt Tesla coil

our Huge 100+ year old 1.2 million volt 45,000 watt tesla coil at the science center. Here it is in…

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Lightning and water

At the point where high voltage meets water interesting things happen!

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Electric flame?

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15,000 watts of high voltage arcs.

Oh the sound this makes! Is something to behold. To bad the main breaker could not take it for long!

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Ttrichroic prism

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Rheoscopic fluid

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Epidemic software

An old exhibit I built on the spread of viruses, figured it is relevant in today’s atmosphere. We partnered with…

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Atomic clock The lab now has an atomic clock! It took some work to get it working again.

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Helium Plasma

What helium plasma looks like with some high voltage passed through it!

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Fire Bending

I wanted to see if solar flairs could be made here on earth in the lab, when you pass high…

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