I recently picked up these meters for the lab, sometimes with my experiments there is no replacement for a good analog meter. The mass of the movement and the current needed, allow for measurments of pulses and other electrical phenomonon that digital meters can not do well.
First the Weston 904 Current meter, this one is facinating, it will measure anywhere from 0-200Amps What a range! And it has giant lugs on top to connect for each current range.

The inside of these meter is just as facinating, it has current induction coils on each leg of the current bar inside, that sum together for the larger currents. real neat design!

Now the Simpson 262 multi meter. These meters are amazing to look at with their very large front display! The one knob is used to change the selector that is behind the glass on the front. This meter even came with a set of original leads and the leater case! This one will need some work for the needle sticks in spots, but should be simple to fix. I will be sure to update this post with inside photos once I do!

Now the best parts, lets test them out! Here is a quick video of doing just that!